We have had many queries over the years asking if we can arrange a system that will use the Solar PV electricity to run an AGA cooker. As any AGA owner will know, this device is the one big consumer of electricity/gas or oil in any household. They are beautiful cooking and heating devices, but boy, they do eat the utility bills! Eco they are not!
I’ve recently met up with Malcolm Stickler who runs a company specifically to install electronic free electric heaters to AGA’s . These are compatible with Immersun’s and most other add on PV power diversion devices.
People who already have a PV power diversion device for their hot water will know the massive savings they can make simply by using that spare power that would have been exported to the grid sent to the immersion heater. This exact technology can now be safely used on an AGA.
You will need to have the conversion carried out by Malcolms crew, who cover the whole of the UK. The cost is £1950 + VAT and entails replacing the existing oil/ gas or electric heater with a complete custom new module.
However, for maximum effectiveness, you’ll need a 4kwp south facing solar PV system, possibly even bigger to cope with the low winter light levels. As well as getting Government Feed in Tariff payments, you’ll be running your AGA for far less cost than you could believe possible previously!
This is just one way you can use more of your generated solar PV power thus getting great value for money out your investment.
For a solar PV quote in the South West UK, call Rudge Energy on 01392 368724
For the AGA conversion, call: 01278 769802